Wednesday, September 2, 2020

A “Race and Color” Reading

Othello is probably the best disaster by William Shakespeare. The Socio-Economic setting of the play drives us to contemplate over it over and over. Othello was a Moor and had fallen head over heels in affection with Desdemona and won her hands in marriage.Being unacquainted with the traditions and standards of an outsider culture, Othello needed to endure a lot.â â What might have occurred if Othello were not a Moor but rather a regarded resident of Venice?Automatically, the financial condition would have changed and Othello may most likely have appreciated a fortunate benefit to have an all around arranged power over the entire circumstance. In Othello, we locate a dark man’s ‘sense of insecurity’, ‘puerility’, ‘eccentricity’ .Iago, the ‘artist in crime’ is a shameful go getter of the postcolonial time, who suggests, inspires and designs capably to exploit the trademark shortcomings of Othello prompting irremediable disa ppointment and gloom that go about as an improvement in the homicide of Desdemona.In Othello, we locate a dark man’s ‘sense of insecurity’, ‘puerility’, ‘eccentricity’ .Iago, the ‘artist in crime’ is an ignoble pioneer of the postcolonial time, who intimates, spurs and plans proficiently to exploit the trademark shortcomings of Othello prompting irremediable dissatisfaction and hopelessness that go about as a boost in the homicide of Desdemona. Othello is the Moor white men requirement for their insurance and prosperity. Othello originates from an alternate financial foundation and is utilized by the strained and obviously bothered Duke :†Valiant Othello, we should straight utilize you,/Against the general adversary Ottoman.Written when Negroes were being provided to Virginia, Shakespeare’s Othello’s soul shines with respectable familial recollections and pundits like Grant White hold that lone a cultiv ated and warlike race could create an Othello.Othello has a nearness; he can raise the whites like Cassio to higher positions, he can head a military, he can arrange two tanked men to sheath weapons, he can, whenever required, excuse them for their offense and he is dark and has a place with a lower financial layers and after all race and societal position made a difference at that time.Hence the association of Othello and Desdemona is introduced as the mating of creatures, with the Moor as the ‘black ram’, aâ professional ofâ ‘arts inhibited.’ A white Prospero can utilize enchantment transparently and strikingly and Shakespeare is conciliatory to none however King James, while, Othello’s charming and winning of a white lady is commensurate to the act of ‘black magic.’Othello, all things considered, is a representative of the Duke and hails from a sketchy foundation of a Moor who professes to be very much voyage yet is hesitant on hi s redoubtable financial background.Can he in any capacity copy the economic wellbeing of Brabantio, whose little girl he weds out of affection? Brabantio recollects the ‘wealthy twisted darlings’ of his country and is enraged at the idea of his reasonable girl against the Moor’s ‘sooty bosom’. Othello, the Moor, can barely be acknowledged by the Venetian open as his skin is of dark shade and he originates from an outsider financial status. Othello appeared to be delighted as he had end up being the privilege and just decision in the life of Desdemona. Till at that point, Othello had never been helped to remember the way that he was a Moor whom Desdemona should fear. Essentially, Othello was not a fainthearted individual, whose spirits could without much of a stretch hose on purposeless grounds. Othello wished not to question Desdemona however he never could creek the nearness of some other sweetheart in the life of Desdemona, whom he wanted to the point of interruption. He exclaimed at a certain point, â€Å"Cassio, I love the; But never more be official of mine.†Regarding Othello, we run over a heap perspectives. Pundits have marked Othelloâ as a play of ‘sexual jealousy’ a play of thought process and allurements ,so on, so forward. In any case, here we see that Othello being unconscious of the financial image of Venice steps an inappropriate way and swallows the hazardous trap. He ,similar to a nitwit, respects Iago’s rehashed hints. On the off chance that Desdemona would have been a Moor herself , the debacle scarcely would have followed.On the opposite, if Othello were not a Moor, his ‘sense of insecurity’ and ‘inferiority complex’ couldn't show signs of improvement of him, on the smallest incitement by Iago. Othello, even in Act III appeared to be candid , liberal effectively unsuspecting and firm in reason ,when he says, â€Å"†¦.This not to make me desirous/T o state my better half is reasonable, takes care of well,/adores company,†¦. Where ideals is, these are more virtuous.†Being a Moor, he won the affection and full focus of Desdemona. At the point when Iago sneaked in the middle of them and endeavored essence to insult the relationship, Othello listened closely. Didn’t he comprehend that Iago was excited about making a break in their determined union? Obviously, in the subliminal of the hero, he made a scratch secretly and without Othello’s cognizance.Othello felt confounded to locate that even his most genuine and unalloyed love couldn't keep Desdemona ‘loyal’ to him! Was it basically in light of the fact that he was a Moor? Or then again, did Desdemona need to lose her life to Othello, simply because the Black-and-White clash seized his brain unprepared? We hear Othello relating his inadequacies in a monologue in Act III ,Sc iii,lines-263-7: â€Å"Haply for I am dark,/And have not those delica te pieces of discussion/†¦.She’s gone, I am abused.†His doubt lay established in himself ,in the general public where he dreaded himself ‘unaccepted’, however his affection hadâ completely been remunerated, responded. For what reason did then ‘uncertainty’ distress his insides? It was perhaps in light of the fact that ,Othello would always remember the sharp admonition of Brabantio: â€Å"Look to her, Moor, if thou hastâ eyes to see:/She has hoodwinked her dad, and may thee.†

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Comparing and Analyzing the Differences Between Co-Ed Schools and Single-Sex Schools Essay

The issue of single-sex schools versus co-ed schools is especially discussed and dubious. There are solid supporters for the two sides, giving great and legitimate contentions. It is an issue with a long history, accepting incredible consideration from the media, analysts, instructors and above all else, guardians. In spite of the fact that there are numerous investigations that attempt to respond to this inquiry, the difficult will likely proceed to exist and be discussed, the assessments being blended. All things considered, picking a sort of instruction involves individual decision. In any case, there are a few away from and burdens of both, and there is proof that there are contrasts with regards to showing styles, progress and accomplishments. Single-sex schools Single-sex schools have a long history, presumably being generally well known during the nineteenth and twentieth hundreds of years. In these schools, young men and young ladies are isolated, the classes comprising of just a single sex. There are schools that have separate structures for young men and others for young ladies, or they just concede one sexual orientation into their scholastic program. This is a training which is thought to help improve the aftereffects of the understudies. As indicated by Mary Elizabeth, essayist for EducationBug. organization, one of the contentions is the contrasts between the cerebrums of young ladies and young men. Others are diverse pressure reactions and hearing affectability â€Å"and that these distinctions can best be reacted to by separating their guidance and learning environment† (CoEd or Single Sex Education). These reasons appear to be conceivable and they are sufficient for some individuals to pick this sort of training for themselves or their kids. There are a few preferences of single-sex schools. As referenced over, the supporters of single-sex training have numerous contentions and maybe the best one of them is the instructive advantage. It is accepted that this sort of training improves understudy accomplishments and progress. Young ladies and young men learn and think in various manners, thusly they ought to be isolated and the investigations ought to be founded on each gender’s premiums and qualities. Distinctive instructing strategies ought to be utilized as well. Since young ladies are more adult than young men at a more youthful age, they can be increasingly genuine and centered in school, though young men have a lower fixation cutoff, and they carry on metal frequently than young ladies. Leonard Sax, who has a PhD, is a M. D. in Montgomery County and established the National Association for the Advancement of Single Sex Public Education, claims â€Å"Teach young men appropriately, and they will learn†. All these can improve a student’s execution. Moreover, there is an absence of interruption in single-ed. Young men are explicitly diverted by young ladies, being at an age when they are stirred regularly, and young ladies are occupied by the boys’ conduct (Single-Sex Education). Thompson and Ungerleider, specialists for the Canadian Center for Knowledge Mobilization [sic] state in their report â€Å"Girls can concentrate more on scholastics without stressing over satisfying the guys†. They have likewise cited a multi year old male understudy who said â€Å"When there is a hot young lady in class you will in general gander at her not to concentrate†. This demonstrates interruption assumes a significant job in instruction, and the single-sex schools are a methods for controlling it (Single Sex Schooling). Besides, another contention is the sexual orientation hole. This alludes to the distinction among young ladies and young men. Normally, young ladies are scholastically performing superior to young men. In any case, the emphasis isn't on how well the young ladies are getting along yet that they are showing improvement over young men, the last being frequently underachievers. By isolating the sexes in classes could be advantageous to them, concentrating more on subjects they exceed expectations at, and applying diverse showing strategies (Single Sex Schooling). For the numerous supporters of single-sex schools, the improvement of accomplishments and progress, the diverse showing styles, sexual orientation interests and qualities, just as the sex hole are the fundamental contentions. Single-sex ed is a famous decision among guardians, despite the fact that not all understudies need it or feel great with it and the vast majority of them, whenever given a decision this would not be their first. Notwithstanding, in spite of the numerous preferences, there are likewise drawbacks of single-sex schools and training. Kristin Stanberry, an author and editorial manager gaining practical experience in child rearing, training, and purchaser wellbeing/health issues, contends that there are numerous who accept that sexual orientation partition isn't savvy as there aren’t numerous educators who can adjust their showing techniques and understandings to just a single sex. This could prompt a more regrettable turn of events and accomplishments, the specific inverse of what single-ed’s point is. Much more, perhaps the best counter-contention is that along these lines of training advances separation and sexism. This is the thing that numerous individuals accept, among them being the American Civil Liberties Union which even documented a suit against a school in Kentucky for sorting out single-sex classes in their organization (Single-Sex Education: the upsides and downsides). By going to a solitary sex school, individuals may create modesty and have issues connecting with the other sex later on, for there was no point of reference during their instruction. Co-ed schools: Unlike single-sex schools, co-ed schools are instructive establishments where young men and young ladies are not isolated, being no limitations and no classes where just one sex can join in. It's anything but a training as old as its rival, in the past the higher types of instruction being saved uniquely for male understudies. Notwithstanding, in the ongoing past they have picked up in fame, presently having numerous supporters. Co-ed schools have many clear focal points in contrast with single-sex ones. One of these preferences, as it is called attention to on the University Language Services’ site, by having a class with the two people it offers greater decent variety, giving a superior opportunity to interface with one another (Co-ed versus Single Sex Schools). It encourages the understudies to build up their capacity to converse with the other sex, building up their social abilities considerably more than single-sex schools. Edelman Public Relations, a firm particular on doing looks into and reports, did an investigation on Canadian understudies which shows that understudies going to a co-ed organization have a more significant level of fearlessness. Besides, because of cooperation between genders, co-ed specialists will in general build up a more profound regard towards the other sexual orientation. 80% of understudies in co-ed pronounced that they think that its extremely simple to make fellowships and set up associations with individuals from a similar sex, and 72% think that its simple for individuals from the other gender, while single-sex understudies revealed that they make companions effectively in just 58% of the occasions. Likewise, they have a solid sentiment of security. An examination uncovers that â€Å"students going to co-ed schools are significantly more prone to talk about thoughts from their schoolwork with other gender companions (83%) than understudies in other school conditions. This cooperation brings about introduction to a more prominent assorted variety of perspectives and feelings as they share thoughts of both sexes† (The Benefits of the Co-instructive Environment). On their site, the Cathedral School of Llandaff, Cardiff, contends that a co-ed school is additionally helpful in battling sexism and segregation as assessments of the both genders are communicated and discussed, coming about into a superior comprehension of every sexual orientation and the thought of uniformity (Advantages of Co-Education). Close by with all these positive highlights of co-ed schools, there is the selection of individuals. Understudies will in general pick this sort of instruction over single-sex organizations for the above reasons, just as the higher chance of finding a briefly or life-time accomplice, which is getting very significant for present ages. Be that as it may, in spite of the fact that co-ed has numerous focal points and advantages, it likewise has numerous disservices. Right off the bat, University Language Services asserts on its site that understudies may feel threatened by the individuals from the other sex and will avoid class conversations and exercises as much as they would in the event that it was a solitary sex class (Co-ed versus Single Sex Schools). Becky Francis asserts in her book â€Å"Boys, young ladies, and Achievement †Addressing the homeroom issues† that another disservice is the injustice that occasionally happens. Young men as a rule cause more to notice themselves, ruling the homeroom and carrying on while young ladies are calmer and increasingly pulled back. Likewise, contemplates have demonstrated that educators will in general kindness young men by posing them a bigger number of inquiries and causing them to take an interest more than young ladies (30-31). Besides, Ruth Vanita, author for the Manushi periodical, suggests in the article â€Å"Some Disadvantages of Coeducation† that beginning since the beginning, young men will in general disturb and bother young ladies. The impact is that this causes young ladies to feel shaky, embarrassed and may build up a negative mentality towards men as they grow up. Moreover, when matching in the mood for sharing a work area or picking bunch individuals for various exercises, the individuals who are forgotten about or picked last could grow a considerably more profound feeling of weakness. They may likewise feel ugly for the other sexual orientation, create passionate and mental issues, which may later prompt something more terrible, for example, despondency. 29, 31-32) Thompson and Ungerleider inferred in their report that there is a â€Å"dumbing down† marvel as young men at times will pass on class, offer the right responses or do schoolwork as â€Å"it’s just not cool to be smart† and they believe they will leave a terrible impact on young ladies on the off chance that they do as such. Another burden is the competiveness. Young ladies will in general be progressively intrigued and scho lastically dynamic, by and large being preferable understudies over young men (Single Sex Schooling). This may result into negative responses from the young men, minimizing young ladies. It could likewise prompt a forceful reaction, or other awful results, for example, cheating so as to stay aware of the young ladies. At last, it ca

Friday, August 21, 2020

Pharaphrasing the Purple Hibiscus Essay Example for Free

Pharaphrasing the Purple Hibiscus Essay Kambili and Jaja both grow up in Purple Hibiscus because of their encounters. The book opens with Jaja opposing his dedicated Catholic dad by skipping fellowship on Palm Sunday, a significant strict occasion. The accompanying parts detail the occasions that come full circle in Jaja’s disobedience. The book is described by Kambili three years after this occurrence. Since she has been hindered by the extreme disciplines of her dad, Kambili scarcely talks. Her portrayal is striking since it tends to be presumed that she discovers her own voice all through this difficulty. Both Kambili and Jaja make strides towards adulthood by beating misfortune and being presented to new contemplations. Some portion of growing up is building your own character by picking which ways to follow. In Enugu, the main way Kambili and Jaja are permitted to follow is Papa. He works out calendars and seriously rebuffs them when they stray. When Kambili and Jaja visit their Aunty Ifeoma in Nsukka, they are flabbergasted by what they find. In spite of the fact that her house is little and without extravagances, there is love and regard. Her youngsters Amaka and Obiora are permitted to address authority and pick their own ways. Obiora, however he is three years more youthful than Jaja, is lucid and defensive. He has been started into Igbo culture by playing out a custom of masculinity. Jaja was not permitted to partake and is embarrassed that he is lingering behind his cousin. In Nsukka, Jaja is urged to reevaluate his devotions and settle on his own choices. Aunt Ifeoma urges Kambili to reexamine her position on Papa-Nnukwu. As she has been educated by Papa, her granddad is a pagan. Be that as it may, when she look through his face, she sees no indications of faithfulness. In the wake of seeing his honesty custom, Kambili questions the supreme standard of her dad. Both Kambili and Jaja make significant strides towards adulthood by asserting their singularity. Religion There is a difference between Father Benedict and Father Amadi. Cleric at Papa’s cherished St. Agnes, Father Benedict is a white man from England who directs his masses as per European custom. Daddy holds fast to Father Benedict’s style, banishing each hint of his own Nigerian legacy. Father utilizes his confidence to legitimize manhandling his kids. Religion alone isn't to be faulted. Dad speaks to the rush of fundamentalism in Nigeria that defiles confidence. Father Amadi, then again, is an African minister who mixes Catholicism with Igbo customs. He accepts that confidence is both less difficult and more intricate than what Father Benedict lectures. Father Amadi is an advanced African man who is socially cognizant however impacted by the pioneer history of his nation. He is definitely not an ethical absolutist like Papa and his God. Religion, when employed by somebody delicate, can be a positive power, all things considered in Kambili’s life. Dad Nnukwu is a c onventionalist. He follows the ceremonies of his precursors and has confidence in a pantheistic model of religion. Despite the fact that the two his child and little girl changed over to Catholicism, Papa-Nnukwu clutched his foundations. When Kambili witnesses his wake-up routine, she understands that their religions are not as various as they show up. Kambili’s confidence reaches out past the limits of one religion. She delights in the excellence of nature, her family, her supplication, and the Bible. At the point when she observes the supernatural occurrence at Aokpe, Kambili’s dedication is affirmed. Aunt Ifeoma concurs that God was available despite the fact that she didn't see the nebulous vision. God is all around Kambili and her family, and can appear as a grin. The individualistic idea of confidence is investigated in Purple Hibiscus. Kambili tempers her dedication with a veneration for her progenitors. Jaja and Amaka wind up dismissing their confidence since it is inflexibly c onnected to Papa and imperialism, separately. Imperialism Imperialism is an unpredictable point in Nigeria. For Papa-Nnukwu, imperialism is a shrewd power that oppressed the Igbo individuals and annihilated his conventions. For Papa, imperialism is liable for his entrance to advanced education and effortlessness. For Father Amadi, it has brought about his confidence however he sees no explanation that the old and new ways can’t exist together. Father Amadi speaks to current Nigeria in the worldwide world. Father is a result of a colonialist instruction. He was educated by ministers and concentrated in English. The shrewdness he reclaims to Nigeria is to a great extent educated by the individuals who have colonized his nation. He deserts the customs of his precursors and decides to talk principally in British-emphasized English in broad daylight. His huge domain is loaded up with western extravagances like satellite TV and music. Amaka expect that Kambili follows American pop stars while she tunes in to performers who grasp their African legacy. Be that as it may, the trappings of Papa’s achievement are empty. The youngsters are not permitted to sit in front of the TV. His home, modernized up to Western norms, is for appearances as it were. There is void in his home similarly as his intonation is distorted before whites. Through the span of the novel, both Kambili and Jaja must deal with the waiting delayed consequences of imperialism in their own lives. The two of them conform to life outside their father’s handle by grasping or tolerating customary ways. Nigerian Politics Both Kambili and the country are on the cusp of sensational changes. The political atmosphere of Nigeria and the interior show of the Achike family are entwined. After Nigeria pronounced freedom from Britain in 1960, a pattern of rough upsets and military autocracy prompted common war, which prompted another pattern of grisly agitation. Indeed, even vote based system is frustrated by the wide-spread debasement in the administration. In Purple Hibiscus, there is an overthrow that comes full circle in military guideline. Dad and his paper, the Standard, are reproachful of the debasement that is introduced by a pioneer who isn't chosen by the individuals. Incidentally, Papa is an affected despot in his own home. He is furious towards his kids when they stray from his picked way for them. In the wake of Ade Coker’s demise, Papa beats Kambili so seriously she is hospitalized in basic condition. Both in Nigeria and in the home, brutality sires savagery. Kambili and Jaja are avoided the distress from the start. They witness fights, savage barriers, and provocation from the wellbeing of their vehicle. However, when they show up in Nsukka, they are pushed into political discussion. Obiora says the college is a microcosm for Nigeria †governed by one man with all the force. Pay has been retained from the teachers and light and force are stopped much of the time. Clinical laborers and professionals protest and nourishment costs rise. There are gossipy tidbits that the sole head is misleading subsidizes planned for the college. This is a corresponding to what's going on in the nation on the loose. Kambili and Jaja now see firsthand the battle of their cousins. The individual gets political, and the other way around. Quiet A few characters are grasped with quietness all through the novel. Kambili endures the most, incapable to talk more than practiced axioms without stammering or hacking. Her quiet is a result of the maltreatment that she suffers on account of her dad. Kambili doesn't permit herself to come clean about her circumstance at home. At the point when her cohorts insult her for being a patio highbrow snot, she doesn't clarify that she doesn't associate out of dread. She isn't permitted to dawdle after school in case she be late and beaten. She at long last figures out how to express her real thoughts when she is insulted ceaselessly be her cousin Amaka. Aunt Ifeoma urges her to guard herself and at exactly that point can Amaka and Kambili start their kinship. Kambili starts to talk all the more certainly, chuckle and in any event, sing. The titles of the second and fourth segment are Speaking With Our Spirits and A Different Silence. Kambili and Jaja impart through their eyes, not ready to absolute the revolting truth of their circumstance. Mom, similar to her girl, can't talk uninhibitedly in her own home. Just with Aunty Ifeoma would she be able to act really. The quiet that falls upon Enugu after Papa is killed is, as the title recommends, unique. There is sadness to this quietness like the one that existed when Papa was alive. Be that as it may, it is a genuine quiet. Mom and Kambili know reality and there is nothing more that can be said. Jaja’s quietness sells out a hardness that has grabbed hold of him in jail. There is nothing he can say that will end the torment he encounters. The tapes that Aunty Ifeoma sends with her children’s voices are the main relief he has. Quiet is additionally utilized as discipline. When Kambili and Jaja show up in Nsukka for Easter, Jaja will not address his dad when he calls. After the long periods of quietness that he has forced upon his kids, they use it as a weapon against him. The legislature additionally quiets Ade Coker by killing him after he prints a condemning story in the Standard. At the point when warriors attack Aunty Ifeoma’s level, they are attempting to quietness her feelings for the revolting understudies through terrorizing. Quiet is a kind of savagery. Aggressive behavior at home On a few events, Papa beats his significant other and kids. Each time, he is incited by an activity that he regards corrupt. At the point when Mama wouldn't like to visit with Father Benedict since she is sick, Papa beats her and she loses. When Kambili and Jaja share a home with a barbarian, bubbling water is poured on their feet since they have strolled in transgression. For possessing a work of art of Papa-Nnukwu, Kambili is kicked until she is hospitalized. Daddy supports the brutality he exacts on his family, saying it is to their benefit. The beatings have rendered his kids quiet. Kambili and Jaja are both savvy past their years and furthermore not permitted to arrive at adulthood, as development regularly accompanies addressing authority. At the point when Ade Coker jokes that his kids are excessively calm, Papa doesn't snicker. They have a dread of God. Truly, Kambili and Jaja fear th

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Finding Good Narrative Essay Samples

Finding Good Narrative Essay SamplesGood narratives are the backbone of any successful essay, so finding good narrative essay samples is essential. The problem is that the more research you do to find them, the harder it is to find them.There are many websites online where you can browse through the various essay samples, many of which contain the same samples but for different reasons. Not only do they differ in terms of subject matter, the wording, and even the number of sentences, but they vary significantly in the style and content of the document.These sample essays are from various authors and have been collected from different places. This is why they may be so varied in style and content. One way to ensure that the writing samples are of the same quality is to browse through the writing samples and see if the formatting matches the style of the essay being copied.If a writer copied another writer's work but used a different set of words, then there should be no problem with t he original work matching the formatting. For example, if a writer copies from someone else's work, then he should also copy the same wording that you would use. On the other hand, if a writer copies something different from another writer, then the quality of the piece may be suspect.However, if you're unable to find the perfect examples of the writing, you can always copy someone else's essay, but then only use the best of the sample documents. If your experience and style of writing differ from that of the original writer, you will have a better chance of getting something you'll be happy with. It's important to remember that essays are pieces of writing, so any writer that you use should be able to utilize the same level of creativity.Good narrative essay samples are always available. All you need to do is go online and locate a reputable resource. Remember that there are some sites that are actually fake, and you can get ripped off, but there are many good resources where you c an locate the best story and knowledge for your essay.Using the internet can help you locate the right place to begin your research. Good stories and information are what you need, so find what you need online and start working.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Clarinet Free Essay Example, 750 words

The Clarinet Describing something, especially when your audience doesn’t know anything about it, is a very difficult task though it is not impossible. However, if you possess some practical experience with the thing you describe, and if you have a vibrant imagination, the process could turn out to be artistic and it would offer a unique experience for the audience. For example, a layman would describe a football as a spherical object, filled with air, which is light in weight. But a talented footballer will also be able to explain to the listener how its touch feels against his feet. Similarly, as I have been a musician since I was twelve, and because of my deep passion for it, describing the musical instrument ‘clarinet’ appears to be a simple objective for me to accomplish. Most of the people are very fond of clarinet’s music, but many dont really know much about this instrument. But I hope to describe it in such a manner that a pretty good idea of the same could emerge in my readers’ mind. The clarinet is an instrument from the woodwind family. We will write a custom essay sample on The Clarinet or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now It acquires its name from the word clarino, which means a particular type of ‘trumpet’ and prefixed to net which means ‘little’. Thus the word ‘clarinet’ can be taken to mean as ‘a little instrument which sounds almost like trumpet. ’ The woodwind family has three branches, and each has a different source of sound. The sounds are made in clarinet through the vibrations that are made by blowing air across the top of this instrument, across a single reed or in some cases across two reeds. The reed is clamped to a mouthpiece at the top of the instrument and vibrates against the mouthpiece when air is blown between the reed and the mouthpiece. In cases where two reeds are tied together and used in a clarinet, such instruments are known as double reed clarinets. The clarinet’s body is slender and long, and it accommodates some metal keys which can be pressed to play different notes. Made from wood, the clarinet produces a fluid sound when air is blown between the reed and the mouthpiece. Most of the clarinetists buy manufactured reeds while some of them make their own. The acoustics perfection of the instrument depends on the quality of the reeds. Therefore, the selection of the right reed is of crucial importance in producing good music. Therefore, in order to sustain quality, clarinetists change their reed at least twice every month. There are several types of clarinets that differ in sizes and pitches. Most of the musicians consider them as the largest in the instrument family. Clarinets come in more than two dozen types. Some of them are rare while others are no longer in use; but they still are recognized as one of the instrument types. Out of the different types, some have four parts and some others have five, depending on the function of the instrument. The body of the clarinet is provided with seven holes which are covered by fingertips. The rest are opened or closed with a set of complicated keys. By pressing the metal keys with fingers of both hands, the player has the facility to play many different notes in quick succession. Clarinet has no specific color; but the most popular and commonly found is the black colored clarinets. During the early stages of the 20th century clarinets were used to be made in metal. Later on, the trend shifted to replacing the metal body with wood. African hardwood is the m ost preferred wood in the manufacture of clarinets. However, there is another variety called the ‘green line clarinet’ which is made from a composite of wood powder and carbon fiber. Being a flat soprano clarinet player from the age of twelve, I have developed a deep love and fascination for the instrument. I also have an emotional connection with the clarinet because it was gifted to me by my parents. It possesses such elegance and charm that makes me want to look at it and touch it everyday. The sound of the clarinet has a graceful cadence that can capture anybody’s attention and force them to be passionate about it. Clarinet is often used in ballads, blues, jazz and many other types of music. It is the kind of instrument that will command your concentration once you start listening to someone playing it. I will always cherish possessing the clarinet I received as a gift from my parents. I presume my brief description of the instrument has given you an idea about the nature of its grandeur. There is no doubt that clarinet has been, and will remain for times to come, the best instrument in the woodwind family. It is mellow like the moonlight; yet cadent like the flowing water.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Infidelity and Marriage Therapy Tips - 1330 Words

Infidelity is one of the most challenging issues that come up in marital therapy for the simple fact that it usually layers a major issue (the infidelity) over other major issues (finances, intimacy, communication) and each layer involves a unique and, at times, competing set of interventions. The latter grouping is usually very receptive to skills work; once capacity to work through the issues within the couple is developed the problems or issues facing the couple tend to create less distress in the relationship or are resolved, although the issue around intimacy tends to be a bit more complicated. When infidelity is thrown into the mix these other issues are typically not seen as the priority by one or both spouses and even discussing these underlying factors can prove difficult as the infidelity typically acts as a contagion. There are a few general rules of thumb I go over with spouses who are in marital therapy and are struggling with the issue of infidelity. Understand that some of the points below assume a typically ordinary home environment (absence of violence or abuse) and speak to the earlier phases of treatment. Another thing to keep in the back of your mind is that I dont recommend divorce, thats not my call and once a decision is made to go in that direction I view my role in helping the couple as pretty much over. I might recommend separation but that really only comes up when aggression appears to be escalating, there is a history of violence (prior toShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie Bill Cosby 1572 Words   |  7 PagesBarbara Bowman wrote an essay, about her experience with Bill Cosby for Washington Post online on November 13th, 2014. She explains how the relationship started off harmlessly. He had a TV show and she was a 17 year old aspiring model so he gave her tips and they bond ed over the industry. The first time he assaulted her was at his home in New York City, where he had invited her to dinner. â€Å"I blacked out after having dinner and one glass of wine [†¦]. When I came to [†¦] Cosby was looming over me. I’mRead MorePeer Pressure2910 Words   |  12 Pagesof nuclear weapons fuel a third world war? †¢ Quarter life crisis is the new midlife crisis? †¢ Is the world going to end in 2012? †¢ US military involvement in Iraq has done more good than harm. †¢ Is co-habitation the replacement for marriage? †¢ Human cloning should be allowed. †¢ Will there be another Holocaust? †¢ Do newborn babies remembers their past life? †¢ Media consolidation: pros and cons. †¢ Should same-sex partners have the same rights as heterosexuals? Read MoreHome Economics and Livelihood Education for College7320 Words   |  30 PagesLatin: familia) is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity, or co-residence. In most societies it is the principal institution for the socialization of children. Extended from the human family unit by biological-cultural affinity, marriage, economy, culture, tradition, honour, and friendship are concepts of family that are physical and metaphorical, or that grow increasingly inclusive extending to community, village, city, region, nationhood, global village and humanism. There areRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagesmodel, described in the Introduction. Based on the positive feedback we’ve received from teachers and students we can state with confidence that the form of active learning pioneered in this book is a proven pedagogy for management skill mastery. Tips for Getting the Most Out of This Course Whether you are an undergraduate or MBA student, or an experienced manager, based on our years of teaching management skills here are some suggestions for making this course a personally meaningful learning

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Aboriginal Mental and Physical Well Being-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Aboriginal Mental and Physical Well Being. Answer: Introduction This essay aims to address the statement given in The Constitution for theNational Aboriginal Community Controlled HealthOrganization(NACCHO, 2011, p. 55). The essay will center round the different strategies to ensure culturally safe and spiritual wellbeing in the patient. In support of this statement I have provide with strategies that can cover the gap between the indigenous and the westernized health care. I have also made sure that my strategies do not hamper the cultural safety of the aboriginals. The later part of the discussion addresses the importance of the collaborative care approach for the aboriginals. In order to analyze the statement in The Constitution for theNational Aboriginal Community Controlled HealthOrganization(NACCHO, 2011, p. 55), it is important to understand social barriers that prevent the indigenous people to get a proper health care. The aboriginal people have a varied range of cultural beliefs that does not align with the Westernized concept of the non indigenous Australian population. The Indigenous people have a belief that health is related to maintenance of the life balances (Taylor Guerin, 2010, p.123). They are deeply connected to their tradition and culture and believe in the traditional methods of treatment. Different researches say that the aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islanders experience a very low standard of health compared to that of the non aboriginals. The reason behind this is multifactorial. The factors contributing to this inequality of health services are the racism, socio economic status, poverty, disempowerment, discrimination and dispossession (Wepa 2015, p.22). The health care services provided by the government often do not meet the health care requirements of the aboriginals. The aboriginal community health services have developed in order to reach out to the aboriginals. This organization is managed by the local indigenous community, by an elected board of directors. As state governments have refused to provide any financial support, arguing that the aboriginals have access to the mainstream care, The ACCH has been thriving entirely upon the donations. ACCHS (Aboriginal community controlled health service) is a health care service provided to the aboriginal Australians. The ACCHS aimed at providing primary care to the aboriginals. Currently over a hundred community exists in Australia providing physical as well as spiritual support to the aboriginal people (Swan Raphael, 2006). In order to address spiritual well being in the aboriginals The Prime minister has taken Close the gap policy framework. This framework had 6 specific goals whic h include the life expectancy gap in a generation, accessing education to all the aboriginal children, reducing the gap in reading, writing and numeracy accomplishment for children and reducing the gap for Indigenous students in Year 12 attainment or equivalent attainment rates by 2020; and lessen the gap in service outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians in a decade. The National aboriginal Torres Strait islanders plan has been established by the Australian government in order to fill the gaps in the health outcome with the aboriginal people. This plan has been established in 2008, for tackling the health parities faced by the indigenous people (Best, 2009 p.25). The visions of this plan are to make the Australian system free of racism and inequality and such that all the Torres strait Islanders get high quality, effective and affordable services. The different principles of this plan are 1. The health inequality and the human rights. 2. Partnership 3. Accountability 4. Control of diseases in the Aboriginal and the Torres Strait Islander community (Swan Raphael, 2006. p.24). The Priorities of the plan is to continuously strive to improve the appropriateness, accessibility and impact. The strategy of this plan is to provide a robust, strong and vibrant effective community controlled health sector. Evidence based care has to be practiced in order to provide a physical and emotional support to the aboriginals (Nielson et al. 2014.p.190-196). Care should be given such that the aboriginal mothers and the babies get appropriate amount of care. The organization should be able to look after the rate of the growth and the development of the aboriginal children, such that they grow into young healthy adults. It should be mentioned that most of the aboriginals do not rely on the non aboriginal way of treatment, due the trauma of the pas t experiences. The sense of racism, loss of values prevents the aboriginals from approaching the westernized healthcare. The health care policy is continuously to build the environment of trust with the aboriginal people (Taylor Guerin, 2010, p.123). The aboriginal health care plan played a major role in a responsive and strong healthcare system in Australia. The aboriginal healthcare pan had mainly focused on the detection and the management of the chronic diseases in the aboriginals. The challenges for the South Australian health involve engagement of the aboriginal community in their own care. The innovation of the The Health in All Policies, is one specific high level approach which helps to form an innovative multi-level and innovative policy development (King, Smith Gracey, 2009). This initiative is being incorporated to improve health outcomes in the young Aboriginal population All these strategies can not only bring about better outcomes in their physical well being but will also help in their overall improvement over the years. It has already been mentioned that in most of the cases the aboriginals do not like getting westernized health care facilities out of the incidents that have happened to them in the past (Durey 2010, p.44). Therefore it is necessary to build a conducing environment for them so they get access to the health facilities. In most of the cases improved health care settings are not available in remote places. As a nurse it is necessary for us to reach out our hands to them, so they get access to proper life saving medications and other treatments. It is reported that aboriginal students and teenagers often suffer from racist statements in schools and colleges, it should be noted that these shameful incident can leave emotional scars on the brain of those teenagers, which might ultimately hamper their progression in personal and professional life (Baker 2012, p.144). One important aspect of a nurse is the acceptance of diverse cultures in a non biased way. According to Best (2009), cultural safety comes from the understanding of a culture. Often indigenous people are faced with institutional racism (Best 2009.p.256). As a nurse in my institution I should understand their ritual, cultural beliefs and should slowly make them understand the importance of the westernized treatments. It should be kept in mind that health is dependent on the culture of any society. It is the culture that maintains and defines health (Baba et al. 2014, p.56). I have often come across aboriginal patients with mental health illness. It is quite challenging for me to deal with the patients family with different cultural beliefs. A proper client- therapist relationship can increase their reliability on us and help in adherence to the therapeutics. I have disseminated and encouraged my peer nurse to set up programs involving the indigenous patient and their families, where indigenous health care professionals will also be present to represent the aboriginal culture. A collaboration of different m embers of a health care setting is required to achieve the goals. The healthcare service provided by my organisation should not only be restricted to giving medications, but should also be able to impart knowledge regarding the importance of maintenance of health. Mobile dispensaries can be set up or clinical camps can be organized for the people who cannot reach out to us. A team work from my organization would be able to accomplish this. My treatment should entirely focus on providing safe care to the children and the teenagers, holistic care to the elderly persons and mothers. Although the Australian government is continuously trying to provide an equable care to the aboriginals, they still face with racism and negligence. The aboriginals do not get suitable Medicare facilities and their socio-economic status does not permit them to access the expensive westernized healthcare. Therefore the potential health strategy should also focus on the cost effectiveness; otherwise it wont be reachable to all the strata of the society. Furthermore maintenance of the cultural safety can close the gap between the indigenous and the non indigenous health care (King et al. 2009, p.76-85). For having a good health, it is important for the aboriginals to shape up the society. It is our duty to identify the different social determinants of aboriginal health. Addressing this social determinants would bring about improve health in the aboriginals (Carson et al.2007). As I have already mentioned about the equable Medicare system which would help in stopping the discrimination, further more maintenance of cultural safety would increase their dependence on our treatment. It can be concluded from the above essay that the constitution of The Constitution for theNACCHO rightly says that to promote health to particular community, it is necessary to identify the social determinants and cater to the physical as well as spiritual well being of the patient. The National aboriginal Torres Strait islanders plan has been established by the Australian government in order to fill the gaps in the health outcome with the aboriginal people. A proper collaborative plan like setting up mobile dispensaries and programs can bring about better outcomes in health. References Baba, J.T., Brolan, C.E. Hill, P.S., 2014. Aboriginal medical services cure more than illness: a qualitative study of how Indigenous services address the health impacts of discrimination in Brisbane communities.International journal for equity in health,13(1), p.56. Baker, J., 2012.Theorising Survival: Indigenous Women and Social and Emotional Wellbeing. Post Pressed.pp.144 Best, O., 2009. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nursing and Midwifery Strategy 2010-2012.p.245 Carson, B., Dunbar, T., Chenhall, R.D. Bailie, R., 2007.Social determinants of Indigenous health. Allen Unwin. Durey, A., 2010. Reducing racism in Aboriginal health care in Australia: where does cultural education fit?.Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health,34(s1). King, M., Smith, A. Gracey, M., 2009. Indigenous health part 2: the underlying causes of the health gap.The Lancet,374(9683), pp.76-85. Nielsen, A.M., Alice Stuart, L. Gorman, D., 2014. Confronting the cultural challenge of the whiteness of nursing: Aboriginal registered nurses perspectives.Contemporary nurse,48(2), pp.190-196. Rigby, W., Duffy, E., Manners, J., Latham, H., Lyons, L., Crawford, L. and Eldridge, R., 2011. Closing the gap: Cultural safety in Indigenous health education.Contemporary Nurse,37(1), pp.21-30. Swan, P. Raphael, B., 2006. Ways forward: national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health policy.pp. 24 Taylor, K. Guerin, P., 2010.Health care and Indigenous Australians: cultural safety in practice. Macmillan Education AU. pp. 123 Wepa, D. ed., 2015.Cultural safety in Aotearoa New Zealand. Cambridge University Press.pp.22 WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health and World Health Organization, 2008.Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health: Commission on Social Determinants of Health final report. World Health Organization.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Senseo Creating Competitiveness through an International Alliance

Introduction For the last one decade, Senseo has been an important contributor to the coffee appliances business. The company breakthrough in coffee pod machine has enabled consumers to make quality coffee faster than before (Hollensen, 2010, p.140). Small size and ease of use from Senseo system helps in making the necessary coffee cup. Many households today rely on Senseo automated coffee pod machine.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Senseo: Creating Competitiveness through an International Alliance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company highlights the coffee pod machine and coffee pods as the ensuing unique value adds in the current global market. These are products that can rapidly obtain, analyze and take action on real-time data inputs. For the products such as coffee pods, Senseo is a market leader in many European countries while it also serves other foreign markets in America continent. The unce rtainties associated with each market are different and part of the Senseo story. The constant adaptation of products and business strategies are defining features of Senseo as a business. This is an important accomplishment of the firm especially when it comes to international expansion. The stiff competition in the global coffee market suggests the need for strategic entry into foreign markets in order to increase the market share (Hollensen, 2010, p.142). Beginning with the development of the patented coffee machine and brewing process in 2001 and extending to Senseo one-of-a-kind coffee ponds, international marketing initiatives have been considered by Senseo as the key to business success. The international alliance between Philips and Douwe Egberts is not just incremental gain but performance gain of an order of magnitude. Concurrently, Senseo has long invested in international market expansion which is another imperative part of this case. Senseo is the result of the partners hip between electronics expert Philips and coffee roaster Douwe Egberts both of which have a degree of autonomy (Hollensen, 2010, p.139). Royal Philips Electronics is based in Netherlands while Douwe Egberts is based in Denmark.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Both of these firms have expanded internationally with substantial brand recognition across the world. This case study is focused on the competitive advantage created through this alliance and the spirit of expansion is reflected in the performance of Senseo in presence of determined competitors. Global market environment The global coffee products market is becoming increasingly saturated. This is because of the increasing number of companies which are venturing into the industry. One of the factors that are contributing to this rapid growth is the increasing distribution of me-too products. This section gives a comprehensive of the coffee products market environment through PEST analysis. PEST analysis Political factors In order for Senseo to operate in the international market, it went through an important strategic alliance. This process of partnering exposed the company to various political factors across different economies. Government stability is a major factor that affects the company business. According to Cavusgil et al (2009), firms intending to enter new market encounter country risks including political risk which refers to the stability of the target country government. Expansion to these markets put the company under these political risks. The success of Senseo in many European countries can be attributed to the political stability of these countries. Thus the firm should reconsider this issue when entering emerging markets in future. In addition, governmental trade laws and regulation are key factors influencing Senseo international business. Between 2001 and 2007, the compa ny success was accelerated by the patented pod machine (Hollensen, 2010, p.141). However, the ccompany has to cope with new environments where such laws do not apply. There are also different intellectual property rights within these environments though Senseo can take the advantage of the alliance as the basis to mitigate any risk associated. Export laws affect the business in that Douwe Egberts has to abide with such legal requirements when exporting the coffee used to make coffee pods.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Senseo: Creating Competitiveness through an International Alliance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Economic The potential markets for Senseo products include the developed and emerging markets. In fact, the economic situation in the European countries where the company operates in terms of monetary issues is a major factor that drives Senseo. The economic trends in home countries of the par tners have also impacted on the business significantly. For instance, it has been reported that one third of the Dutch households own a Senseo machine and the number is expected to increase (Hollensen, 2010, p.140). This is partly because the country is economically stable and individual income is relatively high. Moreover, the fact that Senseo is operating in emerging markets such as the Chinese market suggests the influence of economic factors in these economies. According to Fedorova and Vaihekoski (2009), the major sources of risks in emerging markets are market segmentation and fluctuations in exchange rates (p.6). Single serve brewing concept is expected to impact most developing markets where disposable income has not reached sustainable level (Hollensen, 2010, p.138). Therefore, the economic growth in these markets will be a key driver of Senseo business in future. Socio-cultural factors International business are affected by changes in social environment either positively o r negatively (Baron, 2005, p.207). Senseo operates in several markets with varying social and cultural preferences. Cavusgil et al (2009) connote that cross cultural risk is a key challenge for internationalizing firms. The fact that European consumers have a special attachment to coffee is a major drive for success in the industry. Coffee is consumed daily by all members in a typical European family. Essentially, the international growth of Senseo can be directly related to increasing demand of a faster way to make a cup of coffee. Furthermore, the population has been increasing throughout the decade leading to increase in coffee consumption (De Mooij, 2010, p.71). The new generation is looking for the easiest and convenient lifestyle thus embracing new technologies with both hands. For Senseo and other coffee pod machine marketers, this group forms the largest segment.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Indeed, the typical owner of such a machine is 40 years or below suggesting the significance of the younger generations (Hollensen, 2010, p.140). Therefore, it appears that the high birth rates in potential markets are a factor that can influence the industry as long as it meets the expected lifestyle standards. Technological factors In the last one decade the world has experienced massive technological developments. These changes have been part of the success factors for Senseo. Senseo coffee pod machine is a technological breakthrough that has built consumer intimacy. The company has also sort to differentiate the products through the adoption of new technologies for their products as reflected in the new model machine. Competitors such as Nestle and Melitta Unternehmensgruppe Bents KG have continued to introduce new machines with added technological features. Thus, the competition is somehow based on the technological capability of individual firms. Strategic fit analysis The mar ket environment indicates that Senseo is faced by a number of opportunities and challenges. For instance, the analysis shows that there is a high probability of the company experiencing an increment in the intensity of competition. On the other hand, economic stability and growth coupled with social trends represents an opportunity for Senseo to increase market share and profitability. The high rate of technological innovation presents an opportunity for Senseo to improve the competitive advantage through production of faster and high quality coffee pod machines. However, this is achieved when the company focuses on the core competencies and strengths to exploit the emerging opportunities while converting the weaknesses into strengths (Spence Kale, 2011). Core competencies According to Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson (2011), firms’ core competencies refer to the capabilities that form the accruing source of competitive advantage (p.82). Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008) ar e of the opinion that for a company capability to be considered as a core competency, it should be inimitable, unique, non-substitutable and valuable (p.4). In all operations, Senseo has managed to create a number of core competencies. First, Senseo has developed strong brands that have successfully penetrated the international market. The company has achieved this by forming a strategic business alliance with two important firms. The strong brand is accompanied by the strong brands of individual companies that form the alliance. As noted, creating an overall identity that transparently links coffee and appliance as part of single system and building consumer intimacy around this was the crucial building block to success (Hollensen, 2010, p.140). Secondly, Senseo has built a strong management team to suit the internationalization strategy. As Cavusgil et al (2008) noted the fundamental challenge facing the organizations entering international markets is centered on solving manageria l problems in these markets (p.5). Thus, the success of the company is directly connected to good management. Furthermore, the key people involved in managing such an alliance must have the personal skills to make it a success. SWOT analysis Strength To survive in the international market, it is vital to build a competitive advantage (Harrison John, 2009, p.61). Among the ways through which a firm can achieve this is by improving important strengths. In business operations Senseo has developed a strong brand image due to the effectiveness in designing and producing high quality coffee pod machines. The company has invested heavily on RD such that they produce new products ahead of market competitors. With characteristics of a strategic asset-seeking investment, Senseo has been able to promote long-term goals by reaping the advantages of the two partners (Dunning Lundan, 2008, p.73). The implementation of effective technology enables the company to produce high quality products. Th is satisfies the needs and wants of the consumers in the target markets especially those in European and American countries. Weaknesses The major weakness for Senseo is the narrowed focus on Eastern Europe markets. Cavusgil et al (2009) highlight the importance of market research before a firm decides to enter foreign market. But, Senseo demonstrates failure in this respect as their target market is primarily European countries while other countries could promise better performance. In addition, Senseo has very few products in their portfolio which suggests limited market segments. Coffee appliances are many and the company should attempt to widen the product portfolio and probably enhance their competitive advantage. Opportunities The social changes being experienced in many countries present an opportunity to Senseo. For instance, the growth in population presents an opportunity for the company to increase the current customer base. In addition, the economic growth in some countri es is an opening to new markets. Emerging markets are said to offer greater market development opportunities than those in developed countries but with the offer of higher returns comes higher risks (Cavusgil et al, 2008). The high rate of technological innovation also presents an opportunity for Senseo to enhance global competitiveness. This arises from the fact that the company will be able to develop high quality coffee pod machines (Economist Intelligence Unit Limited, 2009, p.10). Threats Senseo faces intense competition from other multinational companies such as Nestle, Melitta, Tchibo and Aldi (Varga, 2010, p.5). The future success of the firm is threatened by the fact that these companies are also diversifying their products. Therefore, consumer bargaining power in international markets is increasing due to the wide range of products available for them. In addition, Senseo is threatened by low-cost followers from china who must enter the industry in future (Tsui Lau, 2002). In as much as the firm differentiates through the alliance, the low cost followers will never be discouraged as long as new technologies are in place. There could be the fear of the followers developing cheap coffee pod machines that consumers would consider to be better. More interesting is that the followers begin by entering the emerging markets on their way up while Senseo approach these markets from the top. Therefore, the firm is threatened by saturated markets in those emerging markets if the foreign investment comes at a later stage. Creating international competitiveness through core competences Product development has been a long-term priority for Senseo. When the company focused on coffee products to support market entry it needed to create value to customer through innovation and high quality products. In 2001 the company developed the first coffee pod machine that was geared towards the use of coffee pods produced by Douwe Egberts (Hollensen, 2010, p.140). As the machi ne was patented, Senseo was able to increase the market share due to the high demand of the product. Indeed, the company was able to sell more than 15 million coffee machines and more than 8 billion coffee pods in the first seven years (Hollensen, 2010, p.140). According to Uppsala model, the company gradually increased and intensified activities in neighboring markets as the demand increased. By mid-2007 it was estimated that the company sold over five million coffee pod machines in Germany. Currently, Senseo business depends on innovation as patents were revoked in many market environments. Competitors keep on bringing new products into the market thus forcing the company to heavily invest on RD. In 2007 the company launched a new model-the Senseo New Generation-with novel mechanism to accommodate larger cups and new features including insufficient water indicators, larger water reservoir and options allowing users to adjust water quantity (Hollensen, 2010, p.142). This breakthrou gh is a result of the strategic alliance that enables the company to control the development of both coffee pod machines and the coffee pods. The success of a strategic alliance depends on the benefits perceived by each partner especially if their brands are already recognized. In this regard, Senseo had to leverage the equity in the partnering brands in order to give credibility to the new brand (Hollensen, 2010, p.141). While competition may lead to adverse factors like reduced prices of the products, a partnership can succeed by relying on mutual performance (Wallace, 2001, p.859). For instance, when the prices of coffee pod machines went below production costs Senseo continues to succeed as the losses in machine sales are compensated by the profits from coffee sales. Internationalization Hollensen (2010) identifies three models that can define how organizations enter foreign markets namely network, transaction cost and Uppsala models. These models may depend on factors like the type of business; the nature of target markets; the position of the firm in terms of resources; and the corporation motive to include others. Network model is where the supplier develops a good relationship with the buyer and internationalizes in order to service the customer better from another location while depending on resources controlled by other firms. Transaction cost theory is when a firm enters a foreign market and creates activities internally instead of outsourcing especially through exports or foreign direct investment (Dunning Lundan, 2008, p.70). Uppsala model is about how firms gradually increase and intensify their activities in foreign markets by first gaining experience from home markets before proceeding to international markets. From the analysis of Senseo case study, it is evident that the entry strategy to foreign markets can be explained through Uppsala model. The initial market for the firm was the Scandinavian countries where the partners came from. As the demand for coffee pod machines increased in the neighboring markets of France and Germany, the firm would enter the markets. This is reflected in the market being concentrated within the Western part of Europe. Certainly, the single serve brewing concept has proved successful in Europe and the trend is still in the early stages in the U.S. and is yet to impact on developing countries (Hollensen 2010, p.138). In this respect, it would be worth to suggest that transaction cost model for internationalization would serve Senseo business better. This is because the company is well established and has vast resources that can be used to extend assumed business in other potential markets through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). According to Cavusgil et al (2008), the fundamental challenge facing the firms entering international markets centers on solving managerial problems in these markets (p.5). But Senseo managers have proved to be competent enough such that they can be able to make eff ective decisions about how to mitigate the risks associated with Internationalization. In addition, there are many opportunities in the markets that the company is slack in operation. The American market is the largest in terms of coffee consumption while the Asian emerging markets have opportunities related to economic growth. As Dunning and Lundan (2008) connote, the company should engage market-seeking investment in order to exploit new market besides sustaining the existing one (p.70). In fact, competition in coffee pods machines is concentrated in European countries and moving away from these markets would suggest low competition. Therefore, Senseo should consider entering the emerging markets such as China, India and Brazil. While the developed markets are threatened by saturation, the emerging markets lack branded firms that offer coffee pod machines as well as the coffee pods and capsules. References Baron, D. 2005. Business and the surrounding environment. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol. 13 (1), pp. 205-208. Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J. 2008. International business. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J. Yaprak, A. 2009. Conducting market research for international business. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. De Mooij, M. 2010. Consumer Behavior and Culture: Consequences for Global Marketing and Advertising. Thousands Oak, CA: SAGE. Dunning, J. H. Lundan, S. M. 2008. Multinational enterprises and the global economy. London, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Economist Intelligence Unit Limited. 2009. Unlocking innovation in China: An economist intelligence unit report. Available at:Â . Fedorova, E. Vaihekoski, M. 2009. Global and local Sources of risk in eastern European emerging stock markets. Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol.59 (1), pp.1-19. Harrison, J. S. John, C. H. 2009. Foundations in Strategic Man agement. Florence, KY: Cengage Learning. Hitt, M., Ireland, D., Hoskisson, R. 2011.Strategic management: Competitiveness and globalization Concepts. Mason: South Western Cengage Learning. Hollensen S. 2010. Global Marketing: A decision oriented approach. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Johnson, G., Scholes, K. Whittington, R. 2008. Exploring corporate strategy: Text cases. New York: FT/Financial Times. Spence, M., Kale, S. 2011. Optimizing the internal value chain: Principles and practices. Journal of Management Organization, Vol. 14 (2), pp. 193-206. Tsui, A., Lau, C. 2002. The management of enterprises on the People’s Republic of China. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers Group. Varga, M. 2010. Analyzing the Australian fashion industry according to Porter’s five forces. New York, NY: GRIN Verlag. Wallace, P. D. 2001. Encyclopedia of Ecommerce. New Delhi, India: Sarup Sons. This case study on Senseo: Creating Competitiveness through an International Alliance was written and submitted by user Abrielle Anthony to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Friday, March 13, 2020

5 Breakthrough Techniques For Running A High-Traffic Blog

5 Breakthrough Techniques For Running A High-Traffic Blog When you jump out of an airplane,  you  better have a plan ready. Step one is a parachute, and step two is learning how to hit the  ground. Paratroopers have a  technique for this that allows them to  land safely. They call it a PLF (parachute landing fall). It goes like this: US Department of the Army manual, Public domain Balls of the feet Heels of the feet Side of the thigh Side of the hip, or buttocks Back of the shoulder blades Make sense right? Theres nothing like easing into it. Now, what about your blog? A blog launch is a lot like the initial jump out of an airplane. It is exhilarating, fast paced, and comes with an amazing view, but what happens after the free fall? Eventually, as a blogger or content marketing pro, you need a good plan in order to breakthrough the initial launch and begin running  high-traffic blog. Are you  really getting the traffic and attention you hoped for? Does your content have an ROI? Are you  going to be able stick the  landing without breaking your legs? Just like parajumpers, bloggers need a 5-point plan for sticking the free fall. Maybe you just launched a new blog, or maybe you are looking to revitalize a long-held content marketing plan. Either way, you need to have a process ready and that is what I have tried to compile in this post. I am calling it,  The 5 Point Plan For Running A Breakthrough Blog, and its actually pretty doable. This guide is  designed to take your blog from launch to high-end breakthrough traffic. The following five steps are what it takes. 1. Develop A Super-Human Understanding Of Your Audience We have been spending the entire month of August blogging  about  finding, growing, creating, and (most importantly) understanding your blog audience, and weve been doing it for good reason – it is the cornerstone of any breakthrough blog. Your blog exists for the pleasure of your audience. If you dont understand them, then how will you ever reach them? Too often, we take the Field of Dreams approach to content creation. We believe that if we write it, they will come.  Wrong. We need to have purpose in what we publish. One of the things that we talk about often is learning to expand your content core.  The purpose of this exercise  is to understand the difference between what you do, and what you need to talk about. This is where you start to understand your audience. The key is finding the content that your audience really cares about, and using those topics to reach them directly. It is a crucial component for any breakthrough blog. Further Reading: How To Find Your Target Audience In Content Marketing Are You Making These 5 Assumptions About Your Audience? How To Write For Two Audiences At Once 3 Hidden Google Analytics Reports To Help You Understand Your Audience 2. Find A Truly Unique Voice Lets face it. Youre arent the first person in the world to launch a blog in your niche, industry, or even on your city block. When it comes to blogs and content marketing there are few new ideas. Been there, done that. Dont let this dismal take on blogging stop you from trying though. The reality is that you dont have to be doing something new to be doing something great. Truthfully, most blogs are simply doing the same thing as everyone else. Theyre not that great. The key is to figure out how youre different. At , we call this a  Blue Ocean Strategy,  and it works because it is strategy without real competition. So, what is your Blue Ocean Strategy? The main quality of a Blue Ocean Strategy is that it is completely unique. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. You will need to come up with something on your own, but done correctly, it should provide you will a clear path to creating a blog that your audience loves to read. Further Reading:   Want To Make Your Blog Stand Out? Use The Blue Ocean Strategy How Pixar’s Creative Process Will Help You Produce More Innovative Content 3 Memory Techniques That Get People To Remember Your Content Is Familiarity Killing Your Project Before You Even Launch? 3.  Create An Achievable Publishing Schedule You have to set a schedule detailing how often you will  blog. If you dont, you  will fail. Its as simple as that. For early bloggers, I like to suggest that they start posting content as much as five times per week. This is a great way to start learning the ropes and get used to pressing that daunting publish button. As good as that may sound, though, it wont always be achievable, and thats really the most important part about setting a blogging schedule: You need to find something that you can set, and achieve. Once you know how often you will post, you need to develop an editorial calendar and process for planning our your content before you start to write. Here at , we provide a free set of editorial calendar templates that make this process easy. These free templates are designed to break your content down into three tools: An annual overview to rough-out your content plan for the entire year. An idea zone to plan out individual posts and content ideas. A one-month calendar to plan out specific posts for each day of the month. Download Free Content Marketing Editorial Calendar Templates You can download these free templates and an easy step-by-step guide on how to implement them into your daily workflow from our website. Just follow the link above. The best part about using a  paper editorial calendar is that it can help you start the habit of using one to plan your content marketing. Eventually you will need bigger and better tools like itself, but this is a great way to ease-in without a major financial investment. Further Reading: Get Our Free Editorial Calendar Templates The Ultimate Guide To Writing A Consistent Blog With A Content Marketing Editorial Calendar Try This Breakthrough Content Marketing Workflow For Your Team   4. Write Amazing  Content That Is Undeniably Sticky This is a biggy: To break through with your blog, you need to create better, and more original, content than everyone else. This can come in many unique forms. It could be longer (long-form content). It could be more visual. It could be better at telling a story. It could excel at SEO. Really, it could be anything. Even in a time with  Google, bots, and SEO, quality content is still the line that we need to measure  ourselves by, and it isnt always that easy. Sometimes content flows from our fingertips like lightning, and other times it drips like a painful leak in an old faucet. This is may require an adjustment to your process, but you must  find a better way. One of  first places to start writing sticky  content is with a great  headline. Before you even start to create your content, headline generation is a good way to think through your post before words meet the page. We like recommend writing at least 25 different headlines  during your early brainstorming process. This will get things flowing, and help you frame your content properly before going too far. You can also measure the emotional value of your headlines to ensure proper reach. Further Reading: Proof That Emotional Headlines Get Shared More On Social Media 25 Scientifically Proven Ways To Write Better Headlines For Your Blog 4-Step System For Writing A Great Blog Post, Even If You Have Writers Block The Perfect Blog Post: Simpler Is Better 5. Learn  How To Promote Your Content Like A P.R. Wizard One of the saddest stories in the world is the blog post that is published and never heard from again. After pouring all of your effort into an outstanding and insightful post, it will be up to you to make sure that it is heard around the world. In order to run a breakthrough blog, you are going to need to have a promotion plan in place. There are two big things that you need to be doing.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Analyse why London Ambulance IT project failure accurred, and where Essay

Analyse why London Ambulance IT project failure accurred, and where similar organisations might learn valuable lessens so that future IT projects don not folow - Essay Example The London Ambulance Service IT project was too ambitious and is an apt example of failure where technology was mistaken to be the solution. The London Ambulance Service (LAS) was responsible for accepting emergency medical calls and for dispatching ambulances as appropriate. LAS employed a computer aided dispatch (CAD) system to understand the emergency, resource the ambulance and dispatch. The ambulances were also fitted with an automatic vehicle location system (AVLS) which facilitated the CAD to track its progress in fulfilling a particular requirement. This project to make a CAD first started in 1987 with a budget of 3 million pounds. The objective was to automate human intensive processes of manual dispatch systems. It was abandoned in 1990 when the costs overshot but then a new management team was appointed in January 1991. After many deliberations, the system did go partially live a year later only to shut down in October 1992. LAS was the largest in the world, which covered 600 sq miles, 7 million people and had a fleet of 700 ambulances. Founded in 1930, LAS attended to 1600 emergencies per day. Government changes in NHS from mid-80s onwards led to pressure on LAS due to internal market, which led to management restructuring and disputes over working practices (London Ambulance Service Case Study). The magnanimity of the service did cause bottlenecks. Communication errors, difficulty in identifying the right locations, human judgment in identifying duplicate calls were disrupting services. To bring about overall efficiency computerization was sought. Various factors were responsible for the failure of the project, which include management ethos, bad procurement process, timetable, inexperience of suppliers, inadequate testing, poor quality assurance, poor training, and finally inadequate project management. The biggest mistake that occurred was

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Science Lab Research, Predictions, & Observations Report

Science Research, Predictions, & Observations - Lab Report Example The force of gravity is greater on objects that have a heavier total mass. 2. When a rock and a feather are dropped on the moon, they are going to float in the air rather than falling, for a much longer time. There is no friction from the air to influence the feather, on the moon. â€Å"The weight of an object is different on the earth and on the moon since the strength of the gravitational field is different† (Newton, 2009). The hammer still has greater mass, so it will still hit the ground on the moon, faster than the feather. 4. The containers fall at the same rate, apparently. I dropped them from about five feet: a drop of several stories may have been different. When the objects are in the containers, the air resistance is equalized. 1. In terms of the logic of the horse, when the horse pulls, it puts force on the earth. It contacts the earth with its hooves, and pushes against the earth. At the same time, the earth exerts force itself. Meanwhile, the horse is exerting force on the wagon. It is a system of pushing and pulling, in which various forces have an impact on each other. The logic of the horse is that it will cause the wagon to accelerate, because of the force of the horse. 2. This may seem to make sense, but what the horse is stating incorrectly is the relative importance of its force on the wagon. The wagon and the horse are separate, so they have different levels of force acting on them, independently. The forces at work on the horse, are not the same as those at work on the wagon. The relation between the horse and the wagon is incorrect. 3. The force between the cart’s wheels and the road is another force that can be added to the picture. From this perspective, the force exerted by the horse on the ground, has an effect on how the wagon moves. This then questions the fallacy of the

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Use of Texting in Parent and Child Relationships Essay Example for Free

Use of Texting in Parent and Child Relationships Essay Starting in the late 1980s, The European public telephone network and the European Community and European Telecommunications Standards Institute developed the GSM, which is most similar to what we call â€Å"cell phones† today. This phone drastically changed the communications world with the ability to place international calls, send SMS texts, and even had luxuries like caller ID and voicemail, which we all take for granted now. This phone started a revolution that is still changing everyday, with newer and better phones releasing every month with the latest technology and sleek designs. Texting has its own language, customs, and ways of doing things. There are known rules when it comes to texting, which I believe makes it rhetorical. Text messaging is a new medium of expression, one that is changing the dynamic of communication rapidly, especially between parents and their children. The controversy over parental control versus a child’s freedom has now become an even more complex issue with the introduction of cell phones in the equation (Ling 119). While some believe that texting negatively effects their children because parents may not pay enough attention to their children or that texting doesn’t give children the social skills they need, on the other hand I will argue that texting gives children autonomy while giving them the ability to stay in close contact with their family and keep intimacy, if done in balance. Many argue that texting has negative consequences on the parent and child dynamic, for example that parents do not pay close enough attention to their children anymore because of texting, and that children do not know how to properly speak face-to-face with people know because they have grown used to texting. In a journal entry from the Wall Street Journal, Worthen argued that the increase use of cell phones and texting in the past decade has caused an increase in injuries among small children. Nonfatal injuries have risen 12% from 2007 to 2010, and people over 13 owning iPhones or Blackberries has increased from 9 million to 114 million from 2007 to 2012 (1). This increased use of cell phones among adults does not necessarily mean it causes injuries in children, but the lack of attention parents are now giving could be the cause of more childhood injuries. This striking statistic is something people use to argue that texting is detrimental to society. Also, in an interview on Fox, Dr. Karen Ruskin says teenagers are now having trouble communicating with people face-to-face because of the increased use of technology. However, she says that if parents balance their children’s time on the phone and their time talking to each other and talking to other people, there should be no problem with communication. Texting in the parent and child relationship depends on the balance between the time spent on the phone and the time spent with each other, and if that is in balance, texting can be beneficial for their relationship. With the new technology of texting, parents are finding it difficult to balance giving their children independence while still keeping intimacy in their relationship as they grow older. Through interviews with different parents, Jeffrey Zaslow found that the balance is about staying busy, so when you do talk it is more intimate and understanding. He also said that parents are finding that their children in their twenties are still texting their parents often, and parents are becoming afraid that their child will never grow up and leave home. However, he said this is very normal because the twenties is a time for tons of huge changes and that texting their parents is a firm and stable ground they can fall back on (2). Texting changes the dynamic families use to communicate with each other, and keeping the parental status without being distant is a new problem parents have to face. The balance between letting your child have the independence of having a cell phone, while still keeping a close relationship is a fine line, but if it is done correctly I can allow relationships to flourish. It may be difficult for parents to learn this new form of communication, but it can help parents to touch base with their children often and keep in touch when separated. Families are pulled in different directions every minute of every day, and with more and more distractions and more responsibilities as we grow older, still communicating regularly can be difficult, but with the ease and efficiency of sending a text in only a minute, communication is still possible. Texting allows families to stay close and keep personal relationships at all times. In my personal interview with my mom, she said the most difficult problem we have about staying in touch is finding time for both of us to call each other and have a conversation, in our schedules. A lot of the times I will be in class when she can talk, or she will be in a meeting when I can talk, so we have learned that it is more effective for us to text each other all day whenever our schedules allow us so we stay informed on each others lives and keep our relationship (Bostic). In another study on the dynamics of texting in the family, and how a mobile diary can be used to study family dynamics, it was found that that family members prefer texting as their mode of communication amongst one other (Rà ¶nkà ¤ 2010). This further enforces the fact that texting is beneficial to families. Texting gives you the freedom to talk whenever your schedule allows you, like when you are on the go or waiting in line. It gives you the independence to talk whenever you desire and to whomever we desire. The balance between independence and intimacy in a parent and child relationship with the factor of texting has been argued for years now, but I believe texting is beneficial and helps keep personal relationships. It gives children the independence they need from their parents to make their own decisions and form their own opinions, while still giving parents a medium to communicate and stay in close contact with their children at all times. Texting matters in society because it is affecting socialization of future generations. We are now a more fast-paced society that relies heavily on technology as a means of communication, and texting allows people from all around the globe to keep in contact and share their thoughts, feelings, ideas, and messages to people from totally different continents, countries, and cultures. Works Cited Ling, Rich. The Mobile Connection: The Cell Phone’s Impact on Society. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004. Print. Rà ¶nkà ¤, Anna. â€Å"Capturing Daily Family Dynamics Via Text Messages: Development of the Mobile Diary.† Community, Work Family 13.1 (2010): 5-21. Print. â€Å"Social Media Impact on Children.† Youtube. Fox Friends First. 12 Jun. 2012. Web. 8 Oct. 2012. Worthen, Ben. â€Å"The Perils of Texting While Parenting.† Wall Street Journal, 29 Sept. 2012. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. Zaslow, Jeffrey. â€Å"’I Love My Parents’: How Close Families Balance Intimacy and Independence.† Wall Street Journal, 21 Dec. 2006. Web. 6 Oct. 2012.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Athletes and Anabolic Steroids Essay -- Women Athletics Essays

Women Athletes and Anabolic Steroids I. Introduction Anabolic steroids have been around since the 1930s. While they started out solely for medical purposes, they have now become widely accepted for recreational endeavors and heightened athletic performance. Though highly accepted, they are still very illegal without a written prescription. While they have surpassed their medical uses and found their way into top athletes and body builders, they have also crossed the gender barrier. Men are not the only users anymore. More and more women have felt the effects of anabolic steroids and before you think they are the thing for you maybe you should read this first. I. What are Anabolic Steroids? Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances that mimic the male sex hormones known as androgens. This is where the true name anabolic-androgenic steroid is derived, but for familiarity purposes they are referred to only as anabolic steroids (no purely anabolic agent has ever been synthesized). Specifically, they are synthetically produced to act as the male hormone testosterone. Testosterone has a 17-carbon core, like its replication- the anabolic steroid, and is credited for the promotion of growth of skeletal muscles and the development of male sexual characteristics. It has both androgenic (masculinization) and anabolic (tissue-building) effects in the human body. Functions of testosterone include increased numbers of red blood cells, improved calcium deposition in the bones, muscle enlargement, increased body hair, thickening of vocal chords, and growth and development of the prostate gland (Hickson, Ball, Falduto; 1989). Women have naturally occurring testosterone already present in their bodies, but in such sm... ...g women rape victims. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 40, 273-277 Hickson, R.C., Ball, K.L., Falduto M.T. (1989) Adverse effects of anabolic steroids. Med Toxicol Adverse Drug Exp, 4, 254-271 Hughes, T.K. Jr., Rady, P.L., Smith, E.M. (1998) Potential for the effects of anabolic steroid abuse in the immune and neuroendocrine axis. Journal of Neuroimmunol, 83, 162-167 Malarkey, W.B., Strauss, R.H., Leizman, D.J., Liggett, M., Demers, L.M. (1991) Endocrine effects in female weight lifters who self-administer testosterone and anabolic steroids. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 165, 1385-1390 Strauss, R.H., Liggett, M.T., Lanese, R.R. (1985) Anabolic steroids use and perceived effects in ten weight-trained women athletes. JAMA, 253, 2871-2873 Wu, F.C. (1997) Endocrine aspects of anabolic steroids. Clinical Chemistry, 43, 1289-1292

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Peculiarities of Promotion in B2B and B2C

?Leysan Zigangirova, group 1409, Marketing Department Relative importance of promotional tools in consumer and industrial market. Figure 4. 1 shows proportion of promotional tools in b2c and b2b market. It’s evident, that advertising is on the first place in promoting consumer goods. Producers of these goods try to cover mass audience and advertising is an optimum variant. Almost all the population is in touch with media, including TV, radio and newspapers, or can see billboards or advertising placards, so the information about product or service can easily achieve them. Of course, here comes the question why personal selling is not so popular here. First of all, it’s because of narrow cover. Personal selling is aimed to each customer, so it’s impossible to communicate with everybody. And secondly, the proportion between price and result makes this tool irrational: vast sums of money will be spent out, but the there will be no confidence in sales increasing. On the other hand is industrial or b2b market, where personal selling is on the top. And this result is understandable. The target audience here is not the man in the street, but representative of business, the professional, so it’s better to use personal approach. And advertising campaigns are not so effective here: advertising reaches a mass audience, personal or direct selling focuses on one customer at a time. Besides, industrial products and services are more sophisticated and require detailed explanation, customized application, or careful negotiation over price and payment plan. The salesperson helps the customer identify problems, works out a variety of solutions, assists the buyer in making decisions, and provides arrangements for long-term service. Does advertising do the same? Unfortunately, doesn’t. And in b2b market all of the enumerated points are key to the success in business. If we continue examination of promotional instruments, we will see that usage of other tools is the same. Both b2b and b2c use sales promotion in order to increase sales volume, as an addition to personal selling and advertising. And also public relations are on the lowest position as the most unpopular tool. This can be explained by the result of PR: it builds image, reputation, not sales. Very few companies use this form of promoting, because most of them put profit on the first place, and the image of the company on the second. Only after several years of stable position in the market they turn to PR. So, to make a conclusion, I want to say that it’s important to remember that choosing promotional tool depends on the market, where you do business. Businessmen should take it into consideration, if they don’t want to flow out their money without worthy result.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Hamlets Soliloquies Essay - 665 Words

Hamlets Soliloquies The soliloquies spoken by Hamlet were directed to the audience, rather than seeming like conversations with himself. In the first soliloquy, Hamlet talks about how aggravated at life he is and that if it weren’t for God’s laws he would commit suicide. He is not really morning his fathers death in this soliloquy but more his disgust for his mother for marring his uncle especially a few months after his father’s death. He then goes on to explain he must remain silent. He is explaining to the audience that nothing can undo the situation to make it any better. But that isn’t good enough for Hamlet. Something has to be done. This soliloquy sparks an interest in the reader and provides a glimpse into Hamlet’s†¦show more content†¦Already, the audience is excited by hearing Hamlet’s promise because it is giving them something to look forward to. In the third soliloquy, Hamlet admits to the audience he is a coward; â€Å"What an ass am I!† He then goes on to tell the audience of his new idea to help draw the truth out of Claudius. He believes that the theater can make a person experience real emotion. He finds this remarkable that something fictional can create a reality. But Hamlet admits that he is not sure if the ghost said to be his father is really who he says to be and not the creation of Satan. Now the audience is aware of Hamlet’s concerns and maybe what has been holding him back from taking action. But the prince decides to feed on Claudius’s conscience by having the players reenact the murder of his father. Then it is up to Claudius’s reaction to prove to Hamlet that what the ghost spoke of was in fact the truth. Now the audience had even more of a build up of what is to come. The best-known soliloquy, the fourth, is not as passionate but more subdued. With this speech, Hamlet is not just talking about taking his own life but more the choice that is put before man between accepting insults and pain from the world or fighting back at it. Hamlet poses the question â€Å"To be or not to be.† Hamlet seems to search for some kind of meaning to life which is something each individual in the audience hasShow MoreRelatedHamlets Soliloquy Essay1626 Words   |  7 Pagesanalyzing Shakespeares Hamlet through the deconstructionist lens various elements of the play come into sharper focus. Hamlets beliefs about himself and his crisis over indecision are expounded upon by the binary oppositions created in his soliloquies. Hamlet’s first soliloquy comes in act one scene two, as Hamlet reflects on the current state of events. The chief focus of this soliloquy is essentially the rottenness of the king, queen and the world in general. In this passage the reader is introducedRead MoreHow Hamlets Mental State Changes in the Soliloquies in Hamlet by Shakespeare745 Words   |  3 PagesHow Hamlets Mental State Changes in the Soliloquies in Hamlet by Shakespeare In William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Hamlet† there are four major soliloquies that reflect the character of Hamlet. In this paper I will be analyzing and discussing how these four soliloquies reflect changes in Hamlet’s mental state; his changing attitudes toward life and the other characters in the play, particularly the women; and his reflection on the task of revenge that has been assigned to him. These four soliloquiesRead MoreEssay on Shakespeares Soliloquies - Hamlet’s Soliloquy1034 Words   |  5 PagesHamlets Soliloquy  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚         The purpose of a soliloquy is to outline the thoughts and feelings of a certain character at a point in the play. It reveals the innermost beliefs of the character and offers an unbiased perspective as it is merely the character talking to the audience, albeit not directly, and not to any other characters who may cause the character to withhold their true opinions. Therefore, Hamlets first soliloquy (act 1, scene 2) is essential to the play as it highlightsRead MoreHamlets Soliloquy - to Be, or Not to Be2355 Words   |  10 PagesHamlet s Soliloquy - To be, or not to be Hamlet s To be, or not to be soliloquy is arguably the most famous soliloquy in the history of the theatre. Even today, 400 years after it was written, most people are vaguely familiar with the soliloquy even though they may not know the play. What gives these 34 lines such universal appeal and recognition? What about Hamlet s introspection has prompted scholars and theatregoers alike to ask questions about their own existence over the centuries?Read More Soliloquy Term Paper: Hamlet’s Soliloquies3192 Words   |  13 PagesHamlet’s Soliloquies      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reading Shakespeare’s Hamlet, it seems that at every other turn in the narrative the prince is alone and uttering another soliloquy. What is the nature of his various soliloquies? How many are there? What are their contexts? This essay will answer these questions and more. John Russell Brown in â€Å"Soliloquies and Other Wordplay Let the Audience Share Some of Hamlet’s Thoughts† explains that soliloquies are but one form of wordplay Hamlet uses: By any reckoningRead MoreHamlets Second Soliloquy Essay927 Words   |  4 PagesHAMLET’S SECOND SOLILOQUY Coming immediately after the meeting with the Ghost of Hamlet’s father, Shakespeare uses his second soliloquy to present Hamlet’s initial responses to his new role of revenger. Shakespeare is not hesitant in foreboding the religious and metaphysical implications of this role, something widely explored in Elizabethan revenge tragedy, doing so in the first lines as Hamlet makes an invocation to ‘all you host of heaven’ and ‘earth’. Hamlet is shown to impulsively rationalizeRead MoreAnalysis Of Hamlets Third Soliloquy788 Words   |  4 PagesHamlet’s third soliloquy occurs in Act II, scene II. Throughout Act II, Hamlet acts insane whenever he is accompanied by others. Hamlet finds himself alone in his room after Hamlet orders Polonius to escort the players to their rooms. After his soliloquy, Gertrude and Clauidus discuss Hamlets behavior, still unsure of what has caused his madness. This soliloquy shows Hamlet’s troubled and confli cted mind as he debates his future actions to seek his revenge. Hamlet’s fear blinds him, making him unwillingRead MoreHamlets Key Soliloquies Essay1436 Words   |  6 PagesHamlets Key Soliloquies The purpose of a soliloquy is to outline the thoughts and feelings of a certain character at a point in the play. It reveals their innermost beliefs and offers an unbiased perspective said to themselves and not to any other characters that may cause them to withhold their true opinions. The character of Hamlet is very intriguing; without soliloquies Shakespeare would be unable to give the audience such an insight into his personality and motivationsRead MoreAnalysis Of Hamlets Second Soliloquy981 Words   |  4 PagesI Hamlets second soliloquy, we face a determined Hamlet who is craving revenge for his father. â€Å"Ay, thou poor ghost, while memory holds a seat/ In this distracted globe. Remember thee!† Hamlet feels sorry for his father who was unable to repent of his sins and is therefore condemned to a time in purgatory. He promises his father that in spite of his mental state (he is distracted, confused and shocked) he will avenge his death. He holds him in the highest regards because he sees his father asRead MoreHamlet’s â€Å"To be, or not to be† soliloquy is the most famous of all the soliloquies in the play800 Words   |  4 PagesHamlet’s â€Å"To be, or not to be† soliloquy is the most famous of all the soliloquies in the play because it is a turning point for Hamlet in the play. Suddenly the audience recognizes that Hamlet’s sanity is rapidly unraveling. The subject of this soliloquy is about suicide and essentially, Hamlet’s choice between life and death. Hamlet has gotten to point in the play where he can barely see a point to living anymore, an all time low for the once heroic character. Hamlet weighs the benefits to continuing